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Dermalogica Facial + Photon

Dermalogica facial

specialist for Acne skin care 

Black Head ,Big pore, White Head


A totally luxurious facial customised to suit your skin type and concerns. It includes deep cleansing techniques, customised exfoliation and masque. Aromatherapy pressure point massage and head , neck message.

Mini facial 30 mins  €35

1h  €65

Special Acne or black Head  Treatment      85 euro

Anti aging treatment        85 euro

Add on treatment

Add on neck shoulder treatment €15 or 25 euro

Eyebrow shape +tint €15

Finger nail file &polish €11

Dermalogica Facial

Dermalogica facial +back or head message 80mins €100  

Dermalogica facial + Ultrasonic treatment €120

Micro dermabration + dermalogica facial €120

Dermalogica facial +light Chemical peel  110 euro  course of 4    360 euro



Photon Therapy

It uses natural light waves, which are transmitted by LED into the skin. Senility-resisting,anti-allergic introducing nutrition, loosing skin, degreasing, improving skin, activating cell, reducing inflammation, It balances skin tone and enhances circulation, inhibiting the formation of melanin pigment, fighting acne and dermatitis, and smoothing pockmarks, scars and wrinkles.

Full facial +photon therapy €120 course of 4 €400

Full facial +dermabration + photon therapy  €150 course of 4  €500  

Treatment Room 1

Treatment Room 1